Lack of Oxygen (Asphyxia) During Birth

About the Investigation:
How Does Lack of Oxygen Occur During Birth?
All humans need oxygen in order for their bodies to function properly, even babies in the womb. Babies in utero get their oxygen through the umbilical cord from the placenta. During birth, contractions push the amniotic fluid from the baby’s lungs, readying them for the baby to take his or her first breath of air as soon as the umbilical cord is cut. It is a complex process that ensures that the baby is always receiving the oxygen needed.
Sometimes during or after a difficult birth, a baby’s oxygen flow can be disrupted. Depending on how long the baby goes without oxygen, this can have devastating effects. Developmental delays and lifelong disabilities can be caused by a lack of oxygen, or asphyxia, in an otherwise perfectly healthy baby.
Some conditions that can lead to a lack of oxygen during or after delivery are:
• Placental abruption
• Uterine rupture
• Umbilical cord compression
• Umbilical cord wrapped around baby’s neck
• Premature birth
• Prolonged labor
• Anemia
• Blood pressure issues in the mother
• Preeclampsia/eclampsia
• Over medication of mother
• Baby ingesting meconium
• Trauma to the baby in the uterus
Signs of a lack of oxygen in the newborn baby can be visible after birth, including:
• Weak breathing
• Bluish tint to skin
• Baby not crying
• Weak heart rate, muscle tone or reflexes
• Weak muscle tone
• Seizures
• Poor circulation
• Limp or lethargic baby
• Low blood pressure
• Lack of urination
• Low Apgar score
Depending on how long the baby has to go without air, some possible long-term effects of asphyxia in a child are:
• Delayed speech
• Learning disabilities
• Behavioral problems
• Attention deficit disorder
• Poor memory
• Lower IQ
• Brain damage
• Cerebral palsy
• Death
As with any medical emergency that might arise during birth, it is crucial that the medical team correctly interpret the signs or risks of asphyxia and act quickly to get oxygen to the baby and prevent any of the above complications.
How Can A Lawyer Help?
If your baby experienced asphyxia during birth and you feel that injury led to other conditions but could have been avoided, please fill out the form on this page to have an attorney determine whether you have a case. At Siri & Glimstad, there is never any cost upfront to you for our representation. Our attorneys will evaluate your case for free to see if you have a claim. We get paid only if we win for you!
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