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ACT Mouthwash Label Poses Risk For Kids, Parents Claim
Attorneys Michael Connett, Elizabeth A. Brehm, and Aaron Siri of Siri & Glimstad LLP are...
Lawsuits target flouride in kid products like toothpaste, mouth rinse
Michael Connett, a partner at Siri & Glimstad law firm, is representing parents in six new...
ERISA Class Actions Surge Over Health Plans’ Tobacco Surcharges
A wave of ERISA class actions challenging tobacco surcharges in employee health plans is emerging...
Pepsi Employee Sues Over Health Insurance Surcharge for Tobacco
A Pepsi employee, Krista Noel, has filed a proposed class action lawsuit against PepsiCo Inc. in...
Landlord Sued By Tenants Over Hidden Rent Fees
A proposed class action lawsuit has been filed against Essex Management Corp., a California...
American Airlines Uses Outdated Mortality Data
Thomas Parisi, a former American Airlines employee, has filed a proposed class action lawsuit in...
Walmart Workers Sue Over Health Plan Tobacco Surcharges
Walmart Inc. is facing a proposed class action lawsuit filed in Wisconsin federal court by...
Data Breach Victims Get Initial Green Light For $1.5M Deal
A federal judge in North Carolina has granted preliminary approval for a $1.5 million settlement...
Are You A Victim Of Wrongful Termination?
Were you wrongfully terminated as a result of discrimination? If so, this post will help you navigate a plan of action.