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Am I

Featured Class Actions

Was Your Child Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or Fatty Liver Disease?

Location: All US States

Illinois residents - Have You Used the DNA Diagnostics Website?

Location: IL

Do You Have a Stanley Switchback or Trigger Action Travel Mug?

Location: CA, IL, NJ, NY

Recently Added Class Actions

Illinois residents - Did You Work For OSF Saint Francis Medical Center?

Location: IL

Illinois residents - Did You Work For Loyola University?

Location: IL

Did You Receive A Data Breach Notice From Star Solution Services?

Location: NJ

Illinois residents - Did You Work For John Deere?

Location: IL

Did You Receive A Data Breach Notice From St. Andrew's Resources for Seniors?

Location: DC, FL, MO, TX

Did You Receive A Data Breach Notice From Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada?

Location: NV

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Are you a potential class member in a class action lawsuit? Our website can help you navigate the complex process of joining a class action lawsuit. We provide information on your rights as a class member and keep you up-to-date on the status of the lawsuit. We also connect you with experienced class action attorneys who can represent you and help you recover damages. Don’t let the legal process intimidate you – we are here to help.