Illinois Dog Bites
About the Investigation:
Attention Illinois residents!
Were you or one of your loved ones bitten by an aggressive dog?
Dog attacks are a serious matter that can lead to critical injuries or even death. If you or your family member has been attacked or bitten by a dog belonging to someone else, talk to us to see if we can help you recover some of your damages.
What Does the Law Say?
In order to be able to sue someone for a dog bite, they must be the owner of the dog that bit you, the bite or attack must have been unprovoked and the person who was bitten has to have been in a place where he or she had a right to be. The burden is on the plaintiff to prove that the animal was not provoked by anything they did. If you have agreed to dog-sit for the animal that bit you, the law does not allow you to recover. Someone who is feeding a stray until they can take it to a shelter is also not considered an owner for lawsuit purposes, if that dog bites someone.
Talk to an Experience Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury attorney experienced in representing Illinois plaintiffs in dog bite claims will advise you as to what you should do to maximize the chances of recovering for your damages and losses.
In the event of an animal attack, you could potentially win economic damages such as past and future medical bills and lost earnings. You may also be compensated for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. The actual compensation a plaintiff is eligible to receive depends on the specific details of their case.
To have an attorney provide a free evaluation of your potential claim please provide the following information:
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