Aug 25, 2023
Catastrophic injuries can alter the course of life abruptly, leaving the victims and their families to navigate the overwhelming aftermath. These injuries, often resulting from severe accidents, can lead to long-term or permanent disability, drastically affecting an...
Jul 12, 2023
I WAS IN A CAR WRECK!  WHAT DO I DO NOW? In a car wreck? Don’t panic. The attorneys at Siri & Glimstad have compiled a checklist of what you should do to protect yourself. Table of Contents Car Wrecks And What To Do If You Are In One Steps To Take Proactively Here...
Jul 12, 2023
Having a baby is one of the happiest times of most people’s lives. When you enter the hospital, the expectation is that both mother and baby will be safe and well cared for by medical professionals. While this is usually true, mishaps occur far more often than people...
Jul 5, 2023
Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism? The rates of children affected with these two disorders have gone up drastically in recent years. Why is that? In 2023, the CDC reported that about 1 in 36 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with an autism spectrum...
Apr 14, 2023
In today’s world, where silky, smooth hair is often regarded as the pinnacle of fashion, it’s not surprising that numerous women rely on chemical hair relaxers to attain their preferred hairstyle. However, current research indicates that hair relaxers have a link to...