Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears
About the Investigation:
Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears Investigation – SIMMONS HANLY CONROYÂ
Did you use artificial tears to treat dry or irritated eyes?
Simmons Hanly Conroy, a National Law Firm, along with its affiliated firm, Siri & Glimstad LLP, is investigating claims that Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears caused eye infections in people who used them. This product is sold over the counter to relieve dry and irritated eyes. Recently, there have been a significant number of cases where people developed antibiotic-resistant eye infections following use of artificial tears. Some infections became so severe they led to permanent vision loss, hospitalization and even death when an infection got into the bloodstream.
If you suffered an infection following the use of Delsam artificial tears, reach out today! There is Simmons Hanly Conroy and Siri & Glimstad LLP work on a contingent basis.
Don’t delay – there are time limits for filing!
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