Inktel Contractor Misclassification Investigation

About the Investigation:
Were you denied unpaid wages or overtime by Inktel? Have you experienced unfair restrictions on your ability to work independently as a contractor? If so, you may be entitled to seek relief under the Fair Labor and Standards Act (“FSLA”).
How An Attorney Can Help
If your employer misclassified you as an independent contractor, or failed to pay you overtime and benefits due to the misclassification, you may be entitled to damages. One of our attorneys can help assess whether or not you may have a claim and what course of action is best for you. There is no obligation involved in speaking to an attorney about your situation to find out whether you may have a case. There is however, an urgency because your rights under the FLSA have a deadline. You only have a certain time frame in which to file a lawsuit, and if that expires, you will never be able to pursue any legal action for this matter again.