Advanced Practice Provider Medical Malpractice

Location: PA, WV

About the Investigation:

Have You Or A Loved One Been A Victim Of Medical Malpractice By A Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant?

National Medical Malpractice Lawyers


We’re here to help you secure PAYMENT & JUSTICE.


Did you suffer harm, injury or neglect at the hands of a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Clinical Nurse Specialist or other advanced practice provider? Medical Malpractice is when a medical professional delivers treatment that does not meet the standard of care and results in injury to a patient.

Whether it be because of a medication error, misdiagnosis, anesthetic error, surgical error, hospital-acquired infection, or some other negligence, you and your family are now scrambling to pick up the pieces.

Don’t suffer alone. Our lawyers and medical professionals can help you and your family weather in this incredibly difficult time. We understand that no amount of money will ever make up for your suffering or the loss of your loved one, but justice must prevail.

Our team of results-driven lawyers and medical professionals have extensive experience with a wide range of medical malpractice cases spanning over several decades.

You and your loved ones matter. That’s why our staff is available to you 24/7. Contact us today by filling out the form on this page or text or call Jen Malainy at 440-381-0338. Jen has extensive medical and legal experience, working for world-renowned hospitals, including Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF), and has worked on both the Defense and Plaintiff’s side of medical malpractice claims. Consults are free. No cost out-of-pocket for representation.

(The slogan “Payment & Justice For The Injured” is not a guarantee of payment or justice. Both liability and real damages must be proven with a preponderance of the evidence.)

Get Your Free Case Evaluation:

Thank you. Our experienced legal team is waiting to help you. A representative from Siri & Glimstad will be in touch soon! If you have questions or need to contact us immediately, write us at or text or call Jen Malainy 24/7 at 440-381-0338.


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