Birth Injury Guide
About the Investigation:
Birth Injury Guide
No matter how long parents spend preparing their birth plans, reading pregnancy books and preparing their hospital bags with everything they might need, sometimes during delivery unforeseen complications can arise.
A particularly difficult labor or delivery can lead to conditions that harm the mother or baby. Often, these traumatic birth injuries could have been prevented with proper monitoring and timely diagnosis and correction of any issues.
Common causes of complications leading to birth injuries include:
• an unexpectedly large baby
• mother’s pelvis being too small or narrow to vaginally deliver the baby
• prolonged labor
• premature baby
• ruptured placenta
• a cord wrapped around the baby’s neck
• a baby stuck in the birth canal
• breech birth
• preeclampsia or eclampsia
The types of birth injuries that can arise from the above situations include:
• Nerve damage to the baby
• Infections in mother or baby
• Broken collarbones
• Shoulder dystocia
• Developmental delays
• Brain damage
• Breathing problems
• Facial paralysis
• Hemorrhages
• Emergency c-sections
• Emergency hysterectomies
Doctors and healthcare professionals are held to a high standard of care. Breaching their duty to their patients can result in serious harm or loss of life to a patient. If you or a loved one experienced a traumatic birth injury and you feel it was due to medical error or negligence, it is imperative that you call an experienced medical malpractice attorney. At Siri & Glimstad, there is never any cost upfront to you for our representation. We will evaluate your case for free to see if you have a claim. Then we work your whole case without charging you a dime, so you don’t have to worry about another bill. We get paid only if we win for you.
Each state has a statute of limitations, which places a time limit on how long you have to file a claim. Birth injury cases can be complex. You need a legal team on your side with the knowledge and tools to prove your case and get you compensation for your damages!
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