Helping You Understand Nursing Home Neglect

Aug 9, 2023 | Medical Malpractice

As we age, it’s natural to require additional care and support. For many elderly individuals, nursing homes are a blessing. They can provide a safe environment where they can receive the care they need. However, unfortunately, not all nursing homes are created equal. Nursing home neglect is a serious issue. It can have heartbreaking consequences for both residents and their family members.

Did you know that nursing home neglect can come in many forms, including physical, emotional, and financial abuse? Physical neglect involves the failure to provide residents with basic necessities like food, water, and medical care. Emotional neglect can occur when residents are ignored, isolated, or subjected to verbal abuse. Financial abuse can happen when nursing home staff members steal or misuse a resident’s money or property.

One of the most concerning aspects of nursing home neglect is that it can go unnoticed for extended periods. Many elderly residents are unable or unwilling to speak up about the mistreatment they experience. They may fear retaliation from staff members or worry that no one will believe them. Additionally, families, through no fault of their own, may not be aware that their loved one is being neglected if they live far away or have limited contact with the resident.

Nursing home neglect can have significant physical and emotional effects on residents. Neglected residents may experience malnutrition, dehydration, infections, pressure ulcers, and other health problems. These issues can lead to hospitalization or even death. Neglected residents may also experience emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and a sense of hopelessness.

So, what can be done to prevent nursing home neglect? First and foremost, it’s essential to choose a reputable and trustworthy nursing home for your loved one. You can research nursing homes online or ask for recommendations from friends and family members. It’s also critical to visit the nursing home in person and speak with staff members and residents. When visiting, pay close attention to the condition of the facility. Also assess the overall atmosphere and demeanor of the staff members.

Another important step is to monitor your loved one’s care. Stay in regular contact with your loved one and communicate with nursing home staff members. Ask questions about your loved one’s health, medication, and daily routine. If you notice any signs of neglect, such as unexplained injuries or changes in behavior, speak up immediately. Don’t hesitate to report any concerns to the nursing home administration or the appropriate regulatory agency.

If you suspect that your loved one is being neglected, it’s essential to take action. You can start by contacting the nursing home administration and documenting any incidents of neglect. If the nursing home fails to address your concerns, consider contacting the appropriate regulatory agency, such as the state’s Department of Health. In addition, you may also want to consult with an attorney who has experience in nursing home neglect cases.

No one deserves to be mistreated or neglected, especially the vulnerable. Contact the Attorneys at Siri & Glimstad now by filling out this form. Should you need to contact us urgently, please text Jen Malainy at 440-381-0338.
